Product Content Strategy Course

If you are a content or design practitioner whether in content design, UX Writing, interaction design, or any role where we make content and design support each other—join me in this small course to understand the product content’s meta role in the product success.

This course helps us widen our sphere of impact for a product-success-centric approach. We shall also discuss how we can support content design, content marketing, UX Writing, product marketing and positioning, and related roles and practices.

Your sphere of influence

How the course works

  • Live calls—slides, Slack, and access to Miro
  • One continuous library—I will add relevant references for each topic or subject to this library
  • One thirty-minutes free call with me within 30 days of the course completion date.

Only 4 seats in a group.

The course goals

The goal is to understand how product content strategy contributes to the product metrics. We shall see some examples and case studies, and some frameworks to apply our learnings into real life work situations.

“To manage and overcome emotions like guilt that can prevent us from learning and achieving, we need to treat ourselves the same way we would the person we love most in the world.” writes Dennis Tirch. (source, Farnam Street blog)

Shaping a few repeatable patterns as habits

My content design course participants say:

“I really enjoyed learning about content design and how to apply it to my daily work. This was a really informative and well-structured program. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a jump into the world of content design.”

Eiken Nurcelli, content strategist (see their LinkedIn)

“Because I knew nothing about content design, I chose the class in order to learn how content design and content strategy fit together and which impact good or bad design can have for the users experience. The class was well-structured with theoretical parts and real life examples. 

Linda Schwarz, PR Manager and content strategist (see their LinkedIn)

Curiosity and learnability

You can apply if you are curious to learn and apply your learnings in how we design products, how we design the message, the content practices, and how we can commit to raising our own standards in our work regardless of our title or role.

If you have questions, write to me at vinishjg (at) gmail (dot) com and we can discuss.

Systems beyond content and design

We shall discuss

  • What is product content strategy, how it is different from brand content strategy, content design, UX writing, content marketing, product marketing, and other content practices or skills in our technology work
  • How product content strategy helps an organization for their product vision and for product metrics
  • How product content strategists work—their approach, vision, frameworks, skills, and how they establish their own position in the organization to work with other teams and functions
  • We shall see at least three different examples or case studies to know how product content strategy helps them, or could have helped them in challenging or delicate situations
  • Why product content strategy should be the default role in all product teams worldwide—we can build our case
  • Two live calls, 90 min each
  • One follow up group call of 30 minutes within 30 days of the course completion
  • Price: USD 250
  • Calls on Tuesday or Friday as we shall agree
  • Slack and Miro for discussions
  • Access to recordings of calls, and of Miro and Slack, for 30 days after the course is over

Registration opens on 12 May 2024.

Learning for the Meaning

As individuals, you can prepare yourself by separating the work rewards from the rewards of learning. Our learnings add strength to our belief system and to our decisions framework.

Questions? Write to me at vinishjg (at) gmail (dot) com.

“With time, we obviously gain knowledge, wisdom, and more data points to inform our power of intuition. We build confidence and networks, but we’re also creating blind spots.”

Product content strategy

Product content strategy is the product-centric content strategy in an organization across the teams and functions for discovery and research, content plan for product and design strategy, content-driven design, product architecture, and measuring its role in the product metrics.

This product content strategy course brings more clarity and focus in how we plan content or design for products. The goal is not to hand over a content strategy certificate that helps your resume, we are talking about a serious product content strategy practice.

“Product content strategy is like the choreographer or the gatekeeper that oversees the function in the world of content, not only across product teams, but also making sure that voice, tone, messaging, the actual asset of the content as a product is in harmony with what’s happening over marketing, what’s happening over in support, what’s happening with technical content management, etc.” says Kristina Halvorson (source).

In a lot of ways, content strategy means operationalizing everything in content design, UX writing, product marketing, and brand positioning.


Product-centric content strategy for its role in product metrics


The Miro board where Vinish Garg hosts their product content strategy, content design, and UX Writing course.

We co-design is in Miro.


Vinish Garg is running a focused group on Slack for UX, design, content strategy, content design, UX writing, product management, and products in general.

We find and share directions in Slack.

Questions? Write to me at vinishjg (at) gmail (dot) com.

Standards. Gains. Directions. Folks and friends. Our working models and operating principles. We have everything to gain, for the Meaning.

If you are not sure, think again.

A product content strategy course