The schools have adapted to online teaching experience, they need to elevate the process for a more students-centric teaching model....
After working with many product teams worldwide as a content strategist or design lead, or sometimes as a product manager for smaller teams, I realize that I was working with them without a title....
Designing a UX Writing portfolio that invites attention because it is personalized for your work experience....
Lockdown gave me a chance to throw a net in the tech ocean, and here is a quick list of plastic bottles that add to the massive tech debt in the world....
Managers hire people to work on a product. Ever wonder how a product might want to hire people?...
We see more stories for why Hey may not work than why Hey might work, but I have different reasons for not using Hey....
We have a Github for code and a Figma for design. Do we have such a decentralized way to design the narrative?...
Not many product content strategists talk about their role in SaaS pricing pages....
We have time today. This was not the way we wanted time for ourselves but let us accept that we have something and in such abundance that people in the last few generations could never afford to have....
Product positioning is an extension of the strategic brand narrative and it should be well-thought, research-driven, and respected....
We have technology frameworks for Javascript, and we have design systems too. Do we have a decision frameworks too?...
Designers are hooked to design pixel-perfect layouts. ...
8Knorks is a dinner table where eight voices combine and rise to discuss the future of design, and its impact on the people for whom we design, around their stories, their success, and their constraints....
The bottomline for a digital design services agency is to ‘win a project’ and start drawling lines and writing code as soon as possible....
For example well, if the design team’s understanding of customer journey is different from the marketing team’s understanding of customer journey, what are designing for? For which version?...
Product teams in Chandigarh region have a chance to unlearn the outdated features-driven product design practices and to relearn the customer-story driven experience design practices....
Teodora invites guests for a dialogue on web, text, content, and the mesh that weaves meaning and context around information and its variables. Recently, she invited me for a dialogue and it was such a joy to myself....
Content lives in design and design communicates via content....
He is seven today. He cannot vote but he knows when to raise his hand....
The design team should have basic understanding of how their sales team sells, and the sales team should have some idea of the design decisions....
Every brand starts with a few select words to communicate its what and why....
Look at the stakes. Just think — there are people involved....
Autobiography of a bad tooth. Uphill in the left. A bad tooth in the orbit....
“Ok, I want to know how critical this rebranding is for your business.”...
A UI engineer to me: "Can you teach me UX?"
— Vinish Garg (@vingar) December 15, 2021
Me: "Be prepared to learn journalism, politics, art, and be more difficult to work with."
When teams get into the mode that they are waiting for the instructions.
— Vinish Garg (@vingar) October 25, 2020
They: We have a design team of 40+ and we are designing incredible experiences for global enterprise solutions, and for growing startups.
— Vinish Garg (@vingar) December 26, 2019
Me: It is a myth.
They: Why?
Me: You cannot do it because you do not have a single content strategist or content designer in the team.
As if a life.
— Vinish Garg (@vingar) February 20, 2020
Many new products have a busy interface. Too many icons and inline actions to edit, assign, move, fix, reorganize, restructure!
There is a trade-off between "what they may need" and "what they need". #UX is all about identifying the small margins in trade-off.
I see many teams who talk about 'UX maturity' without a single content strategist around. One or two UX writers in the team is a such a one-dimensional way to process the UX maturity. Sorry. #design #uxdesign #contentstrategy
— Vinish Garg (@vingar) January 24, 2021
Build confidence to build conversations by being available, and by reaching out to others to understand, discuss, and then *document* the operating principles for how the org works, how the team works in core or certain situations, how the decision models shape up.
— Vinish Garg (@vingar) January 29, 2022
They: "Why we call it content design if it is about the words and language?"
— Vinish Garg (@vingar) January 17, 2022
Me: "Send me your project report, the plan, analysis, and steps in a single text file. Can you?"
Content is message, framing, communication. It needs to be structured and packaged. Content design.
Design for moments.
— Vinish Garg (@vingar) December 30, 2020
In design, users' goals are overrated. We design for
(a) what the customer might want to do
(b) what the org wants the customer to do
(c) what the customers might actually end up doing
Users live and interact for the moment, the goal is the natural outcome
When designers try to get into systems approach of designing, for strategy, leadership, or communication, I guess they need to get more into business side of design for a wider perspective of why org exists as a system. To communicate it to junior designers is a bit of challenge.
— Vinish Garg (@vingar) May 20, 2021