Meaning: The meta influence of content and design

This is not a course but a space to discuss the deeper and peripheral concerns in our content and design work—the systematic layers that design our lens for how we see our work.

As content and design practitioners, I invite you to talk about our work beyond technology. How do we see cost of delay, our collective decision models, our constraints and privileges, our operating principles, for the life that we enable via our work.

Our sphere of influence

How it works

  • Two live calls—each of 90 minutes
  • No Slides
  • Access to Slack, and Miro after the first call to carry forward the momentum

Only 4 seats in a group.

The goal

The only goal is to build conversations for certain things that impact our work but we do not talk about these enough, or not strongly enough. 

“To manage and overcome emotions like guilt that can prevent us from learning and achieving, we need to treat ourselves the same way we would the person we love most in the world.” writes Dennis Tirch. (source, Farnam Street blog)

Finding questions, and not the answers


There are no direct takeaways that we can apply in our work immediately. We are designing an open dialogue. It is not we vs they or business vs customers—it is about our internal versus, our internal struggles.

If you have questions, write to me at vinishjg (at) gmail (dot) com and we can discuss.

Content and design for our collective meta systems

We shall discuss

  • What are our three deep-rooted concerns that do not often talk about—it could be climate, state policy, urban design, cars, war, or even unfriendly peers at work
  • Our understanding of how our concerns impacts us
  • How we work, how certain theories and principles influence our work, for example our decision models, the cost of delay, our career path wish list, the systems around us that are culturally baked in our work processes
  • What stops us talking about it if not in these two calls—are we looking for some incentives? What are those incentives?
  • The way forward, small steps and the pause, clarity in the success criteria, for the right incentive
  • Two live calls, 90 min each
  • Price: USD 300
  • Calls on Tuesday or Friday as we shall agree
  • Slack and Miro for discussions
  • Access to recordings of calls, and of Miro and Slack, for 30 days after the course is over

Only four of us

Learning for the Meaning

As individuals, you can prepare yourself by separating the work rewards from the rewards of learning. Our learnings add strength to our belief system and to our decisions framework.

Questions? Write to me at vinishjg (at) gmail (dot) com.

“With time, we obviously gain knowledge, wisdom, and more data points to inform our power of intuition. We build confidence and networks, but we’re also creating blind spots.”

Questions? Write to me at vinishjg (at) gmail (dot) com.

We have everything to gain, for the Meaning.

The meaning in our work